Intrepid Potash IRR

Today, we'll will answer one simple question:

How much can $10,000 in AMC today, grow into in 10 years?

Business Overview

Diversified mineral company, producing:

  1. Potash

  2. Trio

  3. Water

  4. Byproducts (salt, magnesium chloride, brines, others)


  • The only US producer of potash

  • Essential nutrient serving three primary markets: Agricultural, Industrial (for drilling, fracturing for wells & input in industrial processes) and Animal Feed (as a nutrient supplement)


What: A fertiliser that delivers potassium, magensium & sulfate in a single particle


  • Intrepid Potash has permitted, licensed, declared & partially adjucated water rights in New Mexico.

  • Intrepid sells water primarily to oil and gas development in the Permian Basin.

Revenue Mix

  • Potash comprises 50% of revenue in 2022, up from 47% in 2020.

  • In 2022, supplied about only 0.5% of potassium consumption, and 3.5% of US consumption. Opportunity for market share expansion.

  • Huge seasonality in products. Demand is higher in March-May and Sep-Nov for Potash, higher in Q1-Q2 for Trio.

Competitive Strengths

  • Only US producer of potash

  • All potash comes from solar solution mines, which are cost-efficient, which means higher gross margins

  • Water rights in New Mexico

  • Significant reserve life (potash have substantial years of reserve life)

  • Existing infrastructure = barrier to entry, because it is expensive to build & therefore not easily replicable.

  • Lower risk from customer diversification - no customer accounts for more than 10% of revenue

Competitive Strategy

  • Maximise potash gross margin & optimise potash production. We can expect favourable gross margins moving forward.

  • Maximise Trio gross margins and expansion of sales & marketing into more markets.

  • Expand offerings of oilfriend solutions: water, water royalty, caliche, right-of-way agreements

  • Byproducts of potash & Trio production will continune to diversify portfolio of Intrepid's offerings


  • U shaped revenue curve. $354M in 2014, low of $136M in 2017, rebounded back to $294M in 2022.

  • Revenue fluctuates heavily with the price of potash. Potash was $713 per ton in 2022, $353 per ton in 2021, offset with lower unit ton sales in 2022.

  • Trio was $479 per ton in 2022, $295 per ton in 2021, offset by lower unit sales in 2022.

  • Water sales increased to $22.4M in 2022 from $22M in 2021.

  • However, prices are expected to drop in 2023 and demand is expected to increase, as purchasers are more prepared to buy.

Forecasting Revenue

PotashGuidance: 80k to 90k tons with net sales of $470-$480 per ton in Q1 2023.

  • Due to seasonality, I am forecasting 275k tons of Potash sold in 2023

  • 80k in Q1, 60k in Q2, 75k in Q3, 60k in Q4 = 275k

We have a current estimated annual designed productive capacity of approximately 390,000 tons of potash from our solar evaporation solution mines. We also have an estimated annual designed productive capacity of 400,000 tons of Trio®.

  • I will forecast that unit sales will reach close to productive capacity in 2024 onwards, plus any carryover inventory from the drop in 2022 sales.

  • I will forecast a conservative normalised price of $320 per ton of Potash, with the assumption that prices will normalise after supply chain issues have smoothened out by 2024.

  • Management will expect general elevated pricing + they seek premium pricing over volume, which means the expected figure will be higher than $320. I will remain conservative for this forecast.

Guidance: Q1 2023 to sell 55k-65k tons at $335-$345 per ton.

  • Tons of Trio Sold: Similarly, due to seasonality, I assume 55k tons will be sold each in Q1 and Q2, then go back to 40k in Q3 & Q4 as spring season ends.

  • Net price per ton: I am forecasting prices of Trio will go back down close to historical levels of ~$270, but remain elevated at $290 until 2032, due to inflation.


  • "Others" segment historically is at about 16%.

  • Due to Intrepid's MOAT around their water rights & Intrepid South assets, I am forecasting this segment will take a higher number of 18% instead.


  • EBITDA Margin of 47% in 2022, up from 29.3% in 2021, higher than past decade average of around 25%.

  • Intrepid will priotise markets with highest average net sales per ton. We will forecast a 30% EBITDA margin in the next decade to be conservative.

Here is the forecasted revenue & EBITDA until 2032.

Balance Sheet

  • Balance sheet is super healthy.

  • No short term or long term interest-bearing debt.

  • The only debt is capital leases which stands at $2.21M, which pales in comparison to the whopping $18.51M of cash & equivalents.

  • Hence, net debt/EBITDA = 0. Our criteria is

  • However, they still run a capital intensive business, and history shows Intrepid issued a net gain of diluted shares: 7.58M in 2016 to 13.45M in 2022. We will factor share issuance in our forecast for the next decade.

Cash Flow

  • CFO: Cash flow from operations reached $88.8M in 2022, a high for Intrepid.

  • CAPEX: Average CAPEX margin for the past 3 years is 52%. The mining business is capital intensive. Hence, I will stick to a 52% CAPEX margin.

  • Cash flow historically has been very volatile, and is more difficult to predict. Hence, the best way to forecast moving forward is using the growth rate used for EBITDA - the proxy for free cash flow.

  • DEBT: As mentioned earlier, their balance sheet has low debt. Their capital structure is to instead raise equity to fund capital expenditures. Hence, I will assume no debt issuance for the next decade. Their net debt/EBITDA is zero in 2022.

  • DIVIDENDS: They do not issue dividends and I will keep it at zero for the next decade.

  • FCF Yield: Their FCF yield has been a rollercoaster, so I will take their most recent FCF yield of 4% in 2022 to calculate their share price in 2032.

Hence, this is the stream of cash flow until 2032.

Shares & FCFE/Share

  • Intrepid's diluted share count is at 13m in 2022, compared to 7.5m in 2013, an almost doubling. As their assets start producing higher earnings into the future with demand remaining strong, I expect their share count to increase but at a slower rate.

  • I am forecasting a 6% share issuance annually and pauses in 2028.

  • Hence, the FCFE/share in 2032 is forecasted to be $2.15/share.

Calculating Share Price in 2032

EV/EBITDA Forecast

  • Taking 2032's forecasted EBITDA of 124M, I will apply a 7.5x multiple, as it ranged around that area minus the outliers.

  • This gives a stock price of $53.49

FCFE Forecast

Applying the 4% Yield to 2032's FCFE/share will yield a $53.85.

Hence, we have our two price targets:

  • EV/EBITDA: $53.49

  • FCFE: $53.85

  • Applying an equal weighting: I get $53.67.

This will give us this IRR distribution, taking $27.98 as the closing price as of 3rd April 2023.

How much will $10,000 grow into?

This will yield us:

a 13.49% IRR.

$10,000 will grow into $35,455 in 2032, in Intrepid Potash.

Assuming a 10% market return in the S&P500, you will beat the market by $9,517.